"I got the world and city on my back, too and I'm just Lennie skinny nigga wit the tattoo's"
True to the core, Baltimore's own Lenwood stays loyal to his Park Heights roots and continues to carry the 410 where ever his music career takes him. Best known for his catchy hooks and punch-lines, I must urge my audience and hip hop family alike to not sleep on his storytelling capability. When it comes to his new project, soon to drop before the end of the summer, Lenwood dismisses the rumors of him just being a "hit-single wonder" and gives his fans more than enough music to bump thorough out the entire year. It has been said many times before that the trials and tribulations spoken in the songs of this young metophorical lyricist bleed through your speakers and paint a vivd picture to a world of change while Lennie does whats only natural to him...STAYING TRUE TO SELF. "You have to stand for what you believe in. And sometimes you have to stand alone." quoted the founder and CEO of the coincidental OnMyOwn Records/ByMyself Entertainment group. One of the Spitters Club's most loyal and talented members, Lenwood has currently released his viral video "In this chair" the first single from off his new project "Truth Be Told". With multiple upcoming performances as well as a appearance on Pur Entertainment's Heavy Hitters Tour this summer, Lenwood is on the right path to not only putting himself on the map, but also the Baltimore hip hop scene.
another one i gotta check the site more often, loved it