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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pinpoint back at it again...and this time he bought the Gummo!

So it’s been about a good week or so and I have literally spent this period….168+ hours to really analyze and dissect GHGH member Pinpoint’s newest release GUMMO. Right, I said it….GUMMO….and I know you’re sitting there wondering wth is a GUMMO? Let me allow good ole Wikipedia break it down for you…..
Gummo is a 1997 American independent drama that show a series of seemingly unrelated vignettes depicting the hopeless, nihilistic lives of the residents of Xenia, Ohio, a small Midwestern town that had been previously struck by a devastating tornado. The plot itself focuses on the impoverished people who dwell in the tornado's aftermath; however, it features no significant interconnection between each character and scene.

Ok for some of you that need the “tell it like it is” version, basically it’s a movie about all the jacked up crap that happens in this small town in Ohio after a horrific tornado ran through it. And when I say this movie is jacked up…I’m talking really jacked up, but I strongly suggest that you at least watch the movie prior to listening to Pinpoints mixtape.
So onto the real ish…..Gummo the mixtape…I honestly must say that in a nutshell…this might be one of the most realest and emotional mixtapes (right next to Lenwoods ‘Truth Be Told’ mixtape released earlier this year) I have heard thus far this year. Granted, I’ve heard Pinpoint prior to this mixtape via the Real Talk days. But with this being his second solo release….this would be the one mixtape that he actually opened up himself more than a lot of people expected him to. Anyway, this entire project just spoke to me on so many different levels that I had to do a semi breakdown of it all. Not just the normal “oh its good” crap that I see a lot of people post.

Fed-up: Every artist wants to be recognized as the realist that ever lived or spit! Period. Regardless if they just started to rap 6 years ago or just this morning, everyone wants to live the life that they rap about. Yea, that happens almost 50% of the time especially on an Indie level. As for a lot of the artist who actually put in work, money, time and energy into a talent that they were blessed with….it tends to get annoying dealing with the fakeness of the scene. Not to mention the finickiest people you deal with on a daily basis in your personal life. Some tracks that I personally took this point of view and emotion from were ‘Pretender’ f/ TMKAD (one of my personal favorites) and ‘Real’ f/Only (this should be the national man anthem or something…..these dudes definitely speak some seriousness on this one!).
Lost Love and Lust: Classic love story gone astray…boy meets girl…they fall in love..their world revolves around each other until it spins off its axis. Typical, but I think the fact that this telltale love story still comes out with a positive outcome on the track “On Top of the World”. During the relationship…..good feeling/cloud 9……after relationship…still is flying high! And of course he had to do something a lil nasty for the ladies lol And I must say girls….Track #8 ’IJS’ will….ummmm….yea…have ya blushing a lil bit.
Stop and Really listen: ‘Twenty Years’ smdh…this track right here is something that you normally don’t hear a rapper, especially an indie rapper talk about….quitting. Giving something your all for 15+ years…and still not getting the results you want. Yea, it gets frustrating. Not able to take opportunities like having a normal relationship, getting married or having a family due to his music career are some of the things that Pin touch bases on in this track. Giving himself a deadline to ‘make it’ is his self-motivation in this track. Instead of being like the other hamsters on the exercise wheel, running toward a goal that is unobtainable, he expresses on this track how much he has lost due to the rap game, and how he doesn’t want to lose anything else.

If there was to be grades handed out for mixtapes, I would hands down give Gummo a solid B. Passing with flying colors, a little short of that, but still passing my personal rap standards. Even though the mixtape does give the listener some real knowledge to digest, I personally think that it could have had more variety or had more diverse artist grace the tracks that would have fit with the theme and tone of the mixtape. Granted, I LOVE the fact that there weren’t 100+ Trap Rappers on this mixtape (which honestly sometimes can kill the mood of ANY mixtape), but I would have like to hear some singers on a track or two. And somehow someway, I feel as though he didn’t go in all the way, but more so this mixtape was a testing the waters type situation. But in reality, that’s a very good thing....just means that there is more room for improvement and that we as listeners get to look forward to some serious ish to come from Pinpoint as well as his GHGH camp.

FOR INFO ON PINPOINT CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE http://www.realtalkmusic.com/

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