“Yea I’m right back at it, yea I’m on it/no radio no promo no warning....they ain’t f*#*king with the line-up, Gritty Gang army, man these soldiers tryin to sign-up/ set the bar high leave the crowd like ‘yeah’/Bmore king, but I don’t need no chair….” A bold statement made by one of Baltimore’s most iconic and inspirational figures in and out of the hip hop scene. Ogun aka Bmore Hero bka ‘CEO’ to his fellow Gritty Gang colleagues, has always been one of the more visual dignitaries of the DMV (Baltimore to be specifically) hip hop scene. This being due to his status as the appointed leader of the Gritty Gang conglomerate (a group of some of Baltimore’s most talented rappers), one of the head bosses of Architect Recording Studios, and his connection with the www.allbmorehiphop.com website. With his fatherly wisdom, constant support of his fellow team members and motivational spirit Ogun’s reputation to “put others first” has gotten him tremendous amounts of respect amongst the community as well as cemented his role as a boss. With his recent project In My Spare Time
he reminds us why he earned the title “Bmore Hero”. Saving hip hop fans from corny, whack, meaningless music….one beat at a time. In My Spare Time is basically a melting pot of cultural differences, hilarious antics, inspirational messages, fresh beats, and storytelling all balled into one mixtape that is a true example of what hip hop is all about. Think more of Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid movie flexing his skills to the young up and comers. Technically, a ‘..I’ll show ya how to do dis son…’ moment on wax for the masses. Don’t doubt the fact that a simple role change from artist to mentor slowed this King of the rap jungle down. In My Spare Time just put a lot of the nay-sayers and doubters in check, opened up a few new ears to his talent and got the juices flowing in some people who thought the Bmore hero had lost his mojo and hung up his cape for good. I wouldn’t call this a comeback, but after his rejuvenation period, you can tell that Ogun really did some soul-searching prior to making this mixtape. Listening to this project, with almost every track you can physically hear that Ogun has reached that next level of being an entertainer that a lot of veteran artists still have not reached. The humbleness and thankfulness that lingers all over the mixtape suggest that its purpose was more to serve as a outline to what can be accomplished with the right mind frame and tools rather than gloating about what he has already done. With tracks like “Stardom” which describe how the dream to succeed in life is a common human desire, but most of the time for the wrong reasons. Money, cars, men/women, houses and cloths don’t define success, but in this day in time the more of these tangible objects you own defines your level of success. But the humbleness, respect and appreciation are all he wants and all he needs to know he has succeeded. “All I see, everyone wants to be a star, they see those lights, it feels so right, everybody everybody everybody, wants some, they share the same dream as me, it be feeling so awesome, but I don’t think they see what I see, but its ok”. Another track that was completely out of place, but in my marketing mind frame I can see it as a “nod” to the non-typical fan, is “White Boy Song”. An ode to the Towson University, beer pong playing, Fells Point bar hoppers. Visual lyrics of the perfect summer night down Canton or Fells point with your most “American Eagle/Gap friends” comes to mind while listening to this song, especially its ‘Hangover’ musical acknowledgment. But to close out the mixtape with “Keep Pushing” just gives even more reasoning for listeners to believe that the modest native superstar takes so much pride in helping others establish a secure base for them to start off on and watching them take off than his own career. I would give this project five out of five stars for multiple reasons: any progression of support and inspiration in this harsh game is a big plus in my book, In My Spare Time is my 3rd cd from Ogun that literally is a blue print for up and coming artists to make their mark in the rap game, and I love the concept of the album mimicking a “schedule”…the BOSS’S SCHEDULE. If this is a hint precursor to more good quality music from the Bmore Hero than the city is in good hands.